We are so sure you will be satisfied with your purchase, we offer a money back guarantee. If for any reason you’re not satisfied, return the product within thirty days from the date of purchase and we will provide you a full refund (minus shipping charges) whether you have opened, tried, or used the products! You may exchange any unused, resealable products within six months from date of purchase.
To request and exchange of any unused, resalable products contact our Customer Care team.
Seacret Products are considered “resalable” only if they meet all of the following requirements:
the items are unopened and unused;
the packing and labeling are current and have not been altered or damaged;
the items have a current shelf life;
the items and their packaging are in such condition that it is commercially reasonable within the trade to sell the items at full price;
the items, at the time of purchase, are not identified as non-returnable, discontinued, expired or season items; and
all components of the kit are included in the return.
the trade to sell the items at full price;
or season items; and